
Professional Fine Art Prints


I use Leica camera as a brush to create unique abstract photographs which can resemble aquarell paintings to someone. I do not use Photoshopt to create effects you can observe on the artworks. It is just the way of mastering the body a lenses I am working with. 

I process various themes such as flowers, nature or cities.

Non Abstract

You will look at stories that accompany captured moments. Some are nice, heart touching with essence of nostalgy but some of them will touch your heart by fear or brutality. But look at them, because the story they are providing to you is real and respects the nature conditions I was honored to capture. 


Abstract Vivid Flowers, 2023

In May 2023 a series of abstract photographs that reflect the diversity of captured Slovak spring nature in an abstract style took solo show in space of Quinto-fori restaurant. By curation proces I selected photographs of vivid flowers which enhanced the exhibition space and created united but also diverse serie to represent the spring flora in Slovakia.


Killing The Animal Series (2021-2023)

     There is something fascinating about the realationship between  human and bred animals in small farms or basicaly in the back yards of ordinary homes. In these days you can simply go and buy cold a piece of meat exhibited in nice juicy way on the shelf in the supermarket. I do not want to point the killing proces which is usually horrible and stresfull and made in huge amounts. I want to show the art of killing the animal by people who love their animals and care for them since birth to dead. Because these people are masters of fast and gentle death. In Killing The Animal extraordinary series you can find tears, pain as well as love and satisfaction. And I have to thank families and individuals who allowed me to capture it.

PIG > Killing The Animal Series

It was almost one year of taking care of the pig. It had it’s own shelter, straw bed and twice a day food. So much food to be happy pig. I saw small talks of the old man with this animal. Full of love and fun. The animal was so used to this happy life and satisfying oink answered. Once early morning the pig was fast caught by the burrower and poleaxed by a butcher gun. And that was it. The end. Nobody was happy at this moment. Everybody felt pain and stress. The body was hanging on the construction and young children came to be educated of the process. They were mesmerized with no fear. They were pointing parts of organs and talking of the food which will be prepared of it. As the time was passing and from the animal companion became food, some fresh meat, some from it was cooking in the typical soup, people around started to smile. And at the end, during the late evening when the sausages had been making, the old grandfather was sitting on the sofa and looking at his son, bride and grandchildren doing what he taught them. The peace, gratefulness and connection with the animal and the family was in the air.

Roosters > Killing The Animal Series


Roosters are beautiful proud animals. But the reality is that rooster have to be killed because of their territorial behaviour which leads to the hurtful fight. Friend of mine, the farmer, called me that their time has come. He was so fast. Quickly catched one of the rooster and put him under arm and hold him so tenderly while walking. The rooster was used to it.  He gently layed him down and with the paint in the face swung the axe. In the second after the act, the farmer wasn’t sure if the cut was proper and as fast as he can observed the reality of quick death. “You know, I have never been in the situation like this. You with the camera… But I cannot let him die in the pain. I have to be precise. If not, I would not forgive myself.” I saw relief in his face. 

Sheep > Killing The Animal Series

Sheep are so playful, expecially young ones. This farmer let the herd cross meadows and live as free as possible. When the evening is approaching, sheep are comming back because they want to. When the time come early in the morning farmer do not let go out the sheep for which it is the last day. A saw on his face that this part of killing her or him is the hardest. The sheep is quite heavy thus he catched it’s horns and dragged on the place. It was stressful as well for the animal as well for him. As he layed animal he layed himself so close to the sheep and started peacefuly to talk. The sheep slowed it breath and relaxed legs. As he petted the animal one hand with the other holding sharp knife he slitted the throat. He was talking with love and tears in his eyes and thanked the animal for the meat he will obtain. I asked him, why it is so emotional for him. “It is necessary, it is life and I do not kill for fun, I do not extend the herd for more money, but I kill when the need is real, but I like these animals. I know the personality of each one. The meat is not noname like in the supermaket.” 

Goat > Killing The Animal Series


Smaller oak stand, placed between the others. First you will observe cocoon from which something black is bulging. Getting closer it is clear. Toddler’s legs placed upside down . If you look inside, the body is missing. Only wires and deep black inside is what your eye can see. Just legs. But not standing, they are in the move. At the bottom the frase “Tripping Over Human Future” force you to go around the object. Tripping is the key. What does it mean for me and the humanity? Is it good or bad? Think about the past. What the past have brought to the future?


Forest of blended colors

Every time I walk into the wild I see lines, shadows and light that passes through the leaves or branches. Beyond this beautiful yet ordinary view of nature I discover pictures that I can “paint” by my camera. The primary approach is made by colors I blend into themselves. For someone the scene is still recognizable altough for the others such a photography can tell different story. And this is the beauty of abstractionism.


Thambar: tool of reflected aura

It was love at first sight when I discovered thambar lense. I do not use lenses as usually photographers do, but I derive an impression of hidden light reflection which fast blink and a human eye is not able to catch it and processes as a beautiful image that can please ourselves. However using this lense I finaly can. Thambar is a tool that brings this opportunity that is being processed by my decision when and where to shoot.  The magical misty images I am able to create are the final touch of the mood of the place, plant or face I capture.


Abstract Impressionistic Cities of Europe

I was amazed by impresionistic masterpieces that allowed me to immerse myself in the atmosphere of cities where the light captures the moment.  For me, colors and light are the primary drivers of the mood. They are the key elements that transform a realistic scene into an abstract one. If you are familiar with the scene, you can identify the main points of objects or scenery. However you can also look at such a photography from a new perspective that mirrors the abstract impressionistic moment. 

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Wien / Vienna / Viedeň

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Venice / Venezia / Benátky

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Paris / Paríž

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Have any questions? I am always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how I can help you.