
oils or acrylics on large format canvases

what do U see outside / what do U see inside

Usually, I tell a specific story in the particular painting which a viewer has to put together like playing a puzzle.  There are hidden clues. Maybe they are important only for me, but if you paint you know that at first place are your intetions which can also affect the viewers. Nevertheless, you as a storyteller are creating the main structure of your thoughts.

I present here my works. Some are still available, some have already taken a place to make someone’s interior vibrant, interesting or touching her or his emotions. 

just now working on


BEAUTIFUL WOMEN SERIES will be a complex art installation featuring various works centered around this theme. The main part of the installation will consist of rough portraits of different women selected based on their attitudes toward themselves in a covered & uncovered state of the portrait. Also several object leading the viewer to question himself/hereself will take a place.

Incandescently Cool Nature Series

There are well known as hidden places in the area of Slovak Paradise where the atmosphere of the place transforms into abstract lines. As hidden treausure, only the night can reveal the scene by a firefly effect. Both day as the night are needed to see the full magic.

First video is during the day, the second one is when the lights  turn off.

9 pieces 150 x 150 cm, acrylics on canvas, 2023, 2024



Disturbing Still Life: Hurmakakis and the Pear

The image, conceived after harvesting hurmakakis from our garden in November, takes shape on leftover canvases. Two scenes can form a single composition of one plate with the fruits if the observer allow it. The one-and-a-half-meter length challenges perception, with the background and distance causing visual distraction. Imagination is key to grasp the entire scene, requiring the viewer to hold the image of each plate in mind to become unity. 

150 x 40 cm, acrylics on canvas, 2023


My parents

In the cozy embrace of the sofa, my parents recline together. My father, adorned in knitted socks, listens to the TV beneath the veil of an eye mask. They cocoon themselves in a shared blanket, nestled among all the pillows. My mother finds solace leaning against his back, her eyes content as she indulges in her favorite TV series. One pillow, split in two by the line of my father’s spine, embodies their symbiotic union. It’s not an oversight; it’s the essence of their intertwined support and affection. They touch, and in that touch, find fulfillment.

130 x 40 cm, acrylics on canvas, 2024


Kolibri Meets Frank Lloyd Wright


I admire Frank Lloyd Wright’s works. There is a spirit in the architecture crated by this phenomenal man. However when I look at pictures of his design the joy rise from it reify into explosin of colors which affect the observer only while standing near the canvas. By walking a bit further the gray and mute colors will take the place. As the concrete and building materials used to create the house. 

I took the picture of this architectual perfection and disintegrated it info horizontal and vertical lines playing with exagerated colors significant for the building. While glass windows are refleceting sky, for walls, stairs are have chosen yellow specturum.

200 x 150 cm, acrylics and ink on canvas, 2022



Yes, this is me, my husband and our dog. How many dogs do you see? Count them. We can remain still, but this little creature is so energetic that sit for a while beside us was impossible. Thus I had to paint the scene as it was. The movement.

200 x 100 cm, oil on canvas, 2021

non available

This Is Not Rodin


I started with lines which defined the structure of the theme. Have you ever seen Rodin’s Thinker in Paris. This magnificent statue brings deep state of mind. I wanted to point the attention to it but in my way. My thoughts are always distracted, switching form one to another but remain considering  the topic I choose. What does he think about? And about what? Try to answer! And do not forget to reflect all the states, colors as well as movements.

200 x 150 cm, oils and acrylics on canvas, 2022


This Is Not Quantum Theory

I am still wainting for a big reveal of Theory of everything in physics that connets two frameworks which are general realtivity and quantum mechanic . Yes, I astill waiting… But this thoughs about the future where we will be able to explaine why, when and how is the world around us were leading me to simuntaneously paint two canvases. As you can see they are not the same. Nothing in the universe is the same, thus as these paintings are not. Everytime I changed my positing and stand in front of the other one, even with the same intetion, I made the painting differently. By this method, This Is Not Quantum Theory I and II. were born.

150 x 150 cm, acrylics and ink on canvas, 2021

150 x 150 cm, acrylics and ink on canvas, 2021


War Is Not a Fake


War Is Not a Fake


When Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022 I asked myself if  what I know about Ukraine was not influenced by a russian propaganda. To answer this question which was torturing me I decided not to watch news immediately after the russian aggresion until I finish this painting. I captured what I knew about the history of Ukraine since people of this state decided to belong to the western part of Europe with its democratic values. The format I chose was a comics style with not nice pictures because neither the war is nice. First picture tells about the people’s decision to be part of the western democracy, than russian trolls started to create fake news and riled people. Maidan / Euromaidan / Євромайдан took place on the main square, but trolls made intensive propaganda and started to create fake news about satanistic rituals where innocent russian children living in Ukraine were murdered. Putin decided to attacked and swallowed Ukraine. Ukrainians rose with whatever they had to protect their land and declaired the will to be  the part of Europe because it is their choise. Fasists marks appeared on military vehicles, tanks or planes which bombed the country. Sad memento was also anexion of Krymia. Yes, war is not a fake because the war leads to thousands of dead souls on each side.

When I finished it, I was still afraid if those information I kept in my mind correspondece with the reality. I felt bittersweet relief when I searched for the historic facts. But the Russia aggresion is still murdering innocent people.

You can also “read” inner pictures in separate horizontal as well as vertical line. It is also telling the story.

130 x 90 cm, acrylics on canvas, 2022


War is not a fake: I see crying tears of hope, but yours are not


The Russian aggression still continues in 2023. My friend Nikolai brought me the iconic stamps from Kyiv I had asked for to completing this painting about Ukraine. You can observe the Ukrainian flag representing the sky, from which tears and bombs fall onto the burning yellow fields, the second symbol. There is nothing like their sky. The clouds can pass across our sight, as easily as the fires can spread beyond the black border. When I finished it, I was still afraid if those information I kept in my mind correspondece with the reality. I felt bittersweet relief when I searched for the historic facts. But the Russia aggresion is still murdering innocent people.

You can also “read” inner pictures in separate horizontal as well as vertical line. It is also telling the story.

130 x 90 cm, mixed media on canvas on canvas, 2023




I like to watch my husband when he is gardening. There is something zen in it. But as zen gardens look so perfect  the parts they consist of are not unblemished. There is always something what disarange the beuty. Thus some clues in the painting might disrupt the calmness of the scene. He is not fighting agains natural behaviour of the plants in our garden, he is trying to enhance it with knowing that the nature does not need us. He is watering coniferas however there is a light rain in the horizon. It is a flow, the state of mind, where you accept surroundings as a stream that is passing throug you and around you while you are working on it.

200 x 150 cm, oils and acrylics on canvas, 2022


Paris Metro, 2022

When you enter subway in Paris centre you are confronting with so many colors. For me, who was grown up in formal comunist country where everything was grey, it is still fascinating even after all year of freedom, where people are no longer afraid use colors everywhere. But the feeling of excitement when the vibrance of color hits my eyes is energetic. In Paris live african community, which make this experience even stronger. Are you wondering why the paintings is upside down? It is not. I realised when you enter subway you always look at the floor. You see legs, knees, bags. Sitting people are also in the focus. After a few seconds when you stand steadily you star to observe what is around you. Full of life colors, turbans and fabrics which are not the part of parisian haut couture but make Paris so unique. This is my Metropolitan!

150 x 100 cm, oils and acrylics on canvas, 2022




This painting was created for specific space where the design of the interior already asked for large format canvas where the red color took the main role. 

I asked myself what is the red, which color affects performance of red in a good way. I was inspired by playing with watercolors paints where the pigment is dissolved into the water and easily flow into another color. 

Many thin layers of various red shades were painted over and over again to make an illusion of depth.

What is the color that can enhance the red one? Answer is blue. Adding thin glaze on particular parts of the picture the depth was more significant. From distance human eyes can observe the maroon, brown hue as the result of the mixture. But if you approache closer you will recognize the real blue.

It is so playful.

And what does it mean? Everybody asks me. For you, whatever you want, whatever you imagine. This is red.

200 x 150 cm, oils, acrylics and ink on canvas, 2020

non available

Still In, 2020


When Britain had decided to no longer be part of European Union, Austrian Post published jubilee brexit stamps. But as time went and things got complicated Brexit  had to be delayeds. At that point, Austrian Post needed to reprint the date of brexit. Stamps became interesting for collectors. I successfully bought some for this work. Still In is about Britain as well as Slovakia. We, small marked with sign yellow state,  are still in however Britain remains  in the wide blue deep sea as alone island.

100 x 100 cm, oils  on canvas, 2020


Talebčina Yogiho Berru (Talebism of Yogi Berra)


Have you ever read some quotes of Yogi Berra? I suggest you to read this kind of poetry. It is funny in some moments but sometimes Yogi Berra hits you with a deep no fancy words message. This one  “We made to many wrong mistakes.” is the core of this small painting with minor change. It says “I do wrong mistakes.” with big black hole painted with special color that almost do not reflect light over golden space. And what is “talebism”? It is derived from name of our’s era great essayist, mathematical statistician, former option trader, risk analyst, and aphorist whose view on the world I really admire. 

30 x 40 cm, oils, acrylics on small canvas, 2021


Pink Void, 2020

If you watch this painting for a while you will see the ball levitate over the black hole while your attention will start to be occupied by the secont narrower one in the distance. This is my play in my world. It seems to be simple, but if you give a chance to observe it, everything start to have it’s own life.

100 x 150 cm, acrylics and oils  on canvas, 2020

non available


Murals for Ďurkovec

Restoring and rebuilding sport and recreational area in nature of Slovak Paradise gave me an opportunity to create as architectual as mural concept that combines contemporary cottages with essence of the past. The past is represented by five ornaments painted on the walls. In this region typical embroidery was made by red thread. “Parta” covering of bride’s head was decorated with colourful ribbons. I took colors of these ribbons and used them to make ornaments more vibrant as well as I added some minor new “squears” to justify murals. 

All squares were painted by hand without any tape or template to make edges just perfect. 

At this moment four are finished and they have already become the tourist attraction.

Click to enlarge

Talk to me

Have any questions? I am always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how I can help you.